Mr. Palmisciano is absolutely correct. Journalism is dead. Everything you see is partisan spin. You would think that FOX, with their dedication to veterans would have taken up the story. You would think that MSNBC, decriers of all things evil and wrong in America, would have taken up the story. No, they haven’t, and CNN is probably too busy playing with a new toy that displays 3D infographics to dazzle us with as they bring us the latest in pollster and pundit ponifications. It is a sad day when Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart are the only two people in the public eye that Ranger Up CEO, Nick Palmisciano, feels have enough integrity to bring this story to light. He’s also correct in saying that this story hasn’t been told because there is no partisan or race divide to capitalize on. Please, please, please contact Jon and Stephen and show your support for the Strait family. America is not our government and it is not our news, nor is it the products we buy. America is its people and I believe that this country knows what is right. We spend a lot of time arguing and fussing over the divide created by the two parties and the media, but when something this abominable happens and those in power say nothing, it is our duty to stand up and scream. Rest in Peace, Nancy Strait.